A Boy and his Frog (Van Den Hul Frog!)

A Boy and his Frog (Van Den Hul Frog!)

Restored Blog Original posted Sep 18, 2019
Many years ago at the New York show my mom and dad, Sheila and Harry, were showing one of the TNT models using a Van den Hul Frog. They found exactly what I have found now, the VDH Frog is a quality high end cartridge that can make a statement presentation!  However, back than the real VDH Frog didn't have much excitement for me.  While the cartridge was in use my mom gave me a VDH box and a toy frog to play with.
I enjoyed the show and this was probably one of the first time I met many people in the industry,. When I wasn't playing with the toy frog he was safely in his box while I enjoyed the music and being with my parents. I had him hidden in the corner so he was safe.
I went back to play with my green companion to find someone had taken him. I couldn't understand why someone would want to steel my frog! I knew somewhere out there was the monster who took it. I didn't understand that the person was after the Van den Hul Frog box rather than the toy frog inside of it. The guy who stole the box must have been surprised when he opened it to find an actual toy frog rather than a cartridge!
Pretty exciting to be the grownup version of that boy and his frog and to now have the opportunity to work with Van den Hul and play with an entirely different frog!
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