VPI at Axpona! Where to go at the Show!
Hey everyone! If you are here in Chicago here are the rooms/areas our product will be in.
Today is Day 1 of AXPONA Audio Expo North America! If you are in the Chicago area make sure to check out a whole lot of VPI turntables on active display throughout the show! Here are the places to hit this weekend and be sure to catch out videos on live stream throughout the weekend.
Nirvana A with Convergent Audio Technology - HW-40
Nirvana B with AudioShield, Credo Audio - of Switzerland DSA, and Van den Hul USA - Avenger Direct
Schaumburg F with Nordost Cables, Stenheim, VTL, WADAX - HW-40
The Market with Elusive Disc, Inc. and more - Player
316 with Sweat Vinyl and more - Prime
558 with Krell Industries, Alta Audio and more - HW-40
714 with House of Stereo, TAD, T+A North America, and more - Avenger Direct
1440 with Raidho Acoustics and more - Avenger
16th floor with American Sound of Canada - Titan
Today is Day 1 of AXPONA Audio Expo North America! If you are in the Chicago area make sure to check out a whole lot of VPI turntables on active display throughout the show! Here are the places to hit this weekend and be sure to catch out videos on live stream throughout the weekend.
Nirvana A with Convergent Audio Technology - HW-40
Nirvana B with AudioShield, Credo Audio - of Switzerland DSA, and Van den Hul USA - Avenger Direct
Schaumburg F with Nordost Cables, Stenheim, VTL, WADAX - HW-40
The Market with Elusive Disc, Inc. and more - Player
316 with Sweat Vinyl and more - Prime
558 with Krell Industries, Alta Audio and more - HW-40
714 with House of Stereo, TAD, T+A North America, and more - Avenger Direct
1440 with Raidho Acoustics and more - Avenger
16th floor with American Sound of Canada - Titan